Saturday 19 December 2009

Final Cut The Basics

Mac Daddys

In Class we were asked to create a presentation on the film editing software Final Cut Pro. My presentation has covered the basic editing techniques which can be used in the program .

My aim of creating the powerpoint was to teach people the basics of editing when using the program. Initially I think the overall presentation went well although some of the screenshots that I have taken havent worked on my pc I thik I have explained the terms clearly.

After I completed my presentation I uploaded it to google (as the google documents site was having some technical problems) so that I could post it onto my blog. Below is my powepoint.

FCP_basics Edem King -

Saturday 12 December 2009

Finished Radio


On Friday the 4th of December my production team completed our radio broadcast on Student Finance, we managed to keep our final piece between four and five minutes respectively.

The song we used throughout  our program was called Cant Tell Me Nothing and it was performed by Kanye West

My thoughts on the project...

Overall listening to our finished project I am filled with joy to think on what my group has acomplished in such a short space of time, whilst I reminise on our efforts and our ability to co-operate as a group I would like to say that every member of our group more or less pulled their weight and although issues and obstacles arose during the course of time my team members were able to proceed and confidently overcome them.

I felt we worked well in
  • Organization
  • Time Management
  • Keeping in touch with one another 
  • Fullfilling our Assigned Roles
Although at times I felt our group was mainly a three person group I would like to take this oppotunity to thank my teammates individually for their hard work and effort. In terms of the content I hope our radio show was really informative and has helped the students at the university  who have struggled with the student finance system and who are going through financial problems.

We would like to say a special thanks to Andy Leahy & Sara Phipps Lang from the Welfare department we could not have completed our radio production without your influential presence  and the students of Bath Spa University who kindly aggreed to be interviewed.

Monday 7 December 2009

Radio Broadcast : Student Finance Research

4/4/07 - Williams Hall: Lecture Hall

Every year thousands of young adults and mature students in the United Kingdom, who have completed their A Levels and Access to Higher Education courses leave home and embark upon the journey into university life. There are loans in place to help assist you with the essential materials needed for your course and living.

This year the Student loans Comapny (SLC) was his by maijor problems an estimateof 50,000 students were yet to recieve their loans in time for the start of the academic year and universities all around the country were forced to dish out emergency loans to those who were waiting for their maintenence loans. The student loans company in general suffered a backlog in the system and were still processing loans which had previously been applied for months ago.

Many students who applied for a maintenence loan before the deadline were deeply affected by the overall sittuation some students had to defer a years worth of education due to the late payments. Ralf Seymour-Jackson of the Student Loans Company and the Higher Education Minister David Lammy personally apologised to any students in the United Kingdom who were affected by the overall situation and stated that they were doing everything in their power to make sure that the loans would be processed around the start of the academic term.

Here is a link to an article which was published on the BBC News Education Website on Thursday 17th September 2009 it discribes in deph the problems and the issues in which the educational system was facing at the time.

Sunday 6 December 2009

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Radio Assessment Edit Session 1

As planned Me, Edem and James met up for our first stage of editing our Radio assessment at the Gate House, Bath Spa University. We edited our Vox Pops fairly to make sure that we had a good balanced argument so that it does not come across as bias views. We decided that the track Kanye West - Cant tell me nothing fits really well with our Radio show, but we had to get hold of a instrumental version of this song as we have it playing behind the presenters introduction and the song includes rap which might drain out the presenters voice

This is us editing in the Gate House. Kindly taken by Ross on my iphone.

We are editing our Radio assessment in Logic we all know the basic skills in Logic so we were comfortable using it. We had one problem which took a long time to understand was that the audio was recorded in different kHz so that some of sounds were fast or slow due to the different kHz. We try to get around this by exporting the file into Quick time Pro and changing it in there. We are continuing editing on the 4th of December, we think that we could finish it on this day and then we got a few day before the deadline to tweak it if necessary.

Radio Broadcast Meeting 4

Meeting was held - Tuesday 1st December, Gatehouse, Bath Spa University.

Attendants - Mike, James, Edem and Ed.

Action Points from the last production meeting that have been completed

Planned questions for interview with welfare

Planned Vox Pops

Which me, James and Edem finished last week

Action points from this meeting

Edem to record statement from loan company (To be recorded 1st of December)

Listed to Recording from last week

Agreed to start editing on the 3rd of December at 1.00pm at Gatehouse, Bath Spa University.

Radio Assessment Recording Progress

As planned Me, Edem and James met up at Bath Spa University for our first stage of recording our assessment on the 26th of November 2009, we met at my house for 12.00pm. So from 12.30pm-3pm we performed Vox Pop's, we recorded in the Students Union Bar, outside the library and around halls of residence we got alot of good answers which are relevant to our topic. We also recorded our introduction for our assessment we did this in my shower room! as from many level tests it was the best place to record. The introduction was read by Edem.

Above is James and Edem recording the introduction in my shower room (Image taken from James Blog)

At 3pm-4pm we had a interview booked with Andy Leahy the Student Money and Welfare Adviser at Bath Spa University. The interview went really well and Andy's responses were really good and we have got plenty of material to cover the interview.

Radio Broadcast Meeting 3

Meeting was held - Tuesday 24th November, Gatehouse, Bath Spa University.

 Attendants - Mike, Edem and Ed.

Not Attended - James (Excuses for not present is that he was ill)

 Action Points

  • Listened to Ed's edit of news clips

  • Read scrip for presenter

  • Picked music - "Cant tell me nothing" - Knaye West

  •  Agreed that Edam is the presenter as Harry has been absent

  • Listened to proposed jingle

  • Planned questions for interview with welfare

  • Planned Vox Pops

Next meeting is to be held on Friday 1st December at the gate house at Bath Spa.